BRB May 16 Written By Olivia Barnes BRB, ‘cause we playin’ ‘Tears of the Kingdom’.In the meantime, enjoy GiriGiri Onigiri’s ‘Legend of Zelda’ cosplay. 👋🏾 Livy bee illustrationLivy beeOlivia barneslegend of zeldalegend of Zelda tears of the kingdomlink zeldazeldantdonintendovideo gamesgamesgameronigirigirigiri onigiricutewebtoonweb toonweb comicsketchartdrawingdigital artdigital artistdigital drawingcomiccartoonTears of the Kingdom Olivia Barnes
BRB May 16 Written By Olivia Barnes BRB, ‘cause we playin’ ‘Tears of the Kingdom’.In the meantime, enjoy GiriGiri Onigiri’s ‘Legend of Zelda’ cosplay. 👋🏾 Livy bee illustrationLivy beeOlivia barneslegend of zeldalegend of Zelda tears of the kingdomlink zeldazeldantdonintendovideo gamesgamesgameronigirigirigiri onigiricutewebtoonweb toonweb comicsketchartdrawingdigital artdigital artistdigital drawingcomiccartoonTears of the Kingdom Olivia Barnes